

Article 1. Goals and objectives of the beauty pageant Miss Office – 2025
1.1. Creation and promotion modern image of a successful business woman.
1.2. Promotion of aesthetic apprehension of a modern office style.
1.3. Selection of the contestant who capable to become a symbol of femininity and beauty among company workers.

Article 2. General terms and conditions
2.1. LLC Russbeldt is the pageant organizer
2.2. 105066, Moscow, Nizhnyaya Krasnoselskaya str., 14, bld. 1
2.3. Bin 1027739124401
2.4. INN 7725106600
2.5. Organizing Committee manages the preparation and conducting of the pageant.
2.6. Organizing Committee is formed from representatives of the competition organizers.
2.7. Bobrikova Svetlana is a Director of the competition and Chairman of the organizing Committee.
2.8. Contact information of the organizing Committee
2.9. E-mail:
2.10. Phone: +7 (495) 995-00-43
2.11. The competition is held in the Russian Federation.
The total duration of the contest — from 01.12.2024 till 31.12.2025 inclusive (hereinafter – the contest period):
• The period of applications acceptance for participation in the pageant from 01.12.2024 till 25.08.2025. The period of Internet voting for contestants who have passed the preliminary selection and determination of finalists from 01.09.2024 till 31.10.2025 (inclusive).
• The period of pageant final and prize distribution from 01.11.2025 till 31.12.2025 (inclusive).

Article 3. Requirements for participants
3.1. Modalities of participation
3.1.1. Employees of organizations and individual entrepreneurs, state or municipal authorities are allowed to participate in the contest "Miss Office – 2025".
3.1.2. Profession: any office profession (Manager, lawyer, secretary, accountant, administrator, etc.) What exactly - does not matter.
3.1.3. Work experience in the company: at least three months.
3.1.4. Age of participants: from 20 to 35 years.
3.1.5. Marital status: doesn't matter.
3.1.6. Consent to the rules of the beauty pageant "Miss Office – 2025" (submission of the questionnaire confirms that the participants are fully acquainted and agree with these Rules, as well as give their agreement for using personal data).
3.1.7. Participant's consent to the terms of the pageant.
3.2. Participant must guarantee:
3.2.1. Absence of severe chronic diseases, pregnancy and maternity leave.
3.2.2. The possibility of passing the training program to participate in the final show of the competition.
3.2.3. Coordination of the possibility of participation in the competition with your employer.

Article 4. The procedure to apply for participating
4.1. Girls wishing to participate in the competition should send their application form with attached photos (portrait and full-length) to the address: or fill out a form on the website . The direction of the questionnaire is an application for participation in the pageant.
4.2. Questionnaires will be accepted from 01.12.2024 to 25.08.2025.
4.3. Photographs requirements:
4.3.1. Photographs must be in the format .jpg and not exceed to 3MB.
4.3.2. The photography should show only the applicant, group photos are not accepted.
4.3.3. Photos with advertising in explicit or implicit form are not accepted.
4.3.4. Extremely frank photographs could be rejected by the Organizing Committee.
4.3.5. Photographs must be relevant (no more than 1 year ago).
4.3.6. The face of the contestant should not be hidden by dark glasses, mask, etc. in the photography.
4.4. To participate in pageant no contributions is required.
4.5. Participation in the pageant does not involve any costs from the side of the contestants, and the costs made by them on their own initiative are not reimbursed by the organizer of the pageant.
4.6. Organizing Committee has the right to reject the application for participation in the competition without explanation.

Article 5. Participants obligations
5.1. Participant grants her agreement for using her personal data such as photos, videos, except for the address, phone number and e-mail, can be used by the organizer of the competition for commercial and advertising purposes.
5.2. The address, phone number and e-mail of the pageant participant are used by the organizer of the contest only for contact with the contest participant.
5.3. Participant of the competition undertakes to provide reliable information in the questionnaire. In case of providing false information or failure by the participant to fulfill the obligations under these rules, the participant will be disqualified by the decision of the Organizing Committee of the pageant.
5.4. By submitting photos and videos for participation in the pageant, the participant confirms her authorship and guarantees that she has all the necessary rights and permissions in relation to the provided photos and videos, as well as that the participant does not have any obligations to the third parties (including the authors/ other rightholders), which prevent and/or make it impossible to legitimate use of the materials by the pageant organizers. The organizer is not responsible for claims of the third parties regarding the authorship of a photography or video sent by the participant for the purposes of participation in the pageant and compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation on copyright and related rights. Participants of the contest are responsible for violation of intellectual rights of the third parties under the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
5.5. By participating in the pageant, the participant grants her permission for using of her image by the organizer for the purposes of advertising/announcing the pageant and other events held by the organizer (charitable, social, cultural, social, etc.) without payment of reward to the participant. Also a member since the beginning of participation in the pageant either transfers to the organizer the exclusive rights to the full extent in photographs and videos, as supplied by the participant or made during the period of the pageant, and within three years after the completion of it for their use in any way under the civil code of the Russian Federation without restrictions on the territory and term of use. Taking part in the competition, performing p. 4.1. of these rules, the participant of the pageant hereby grants her permission for publishing and further use of her image (including his photographs, as well as video or works of fine art in which it is depicted) for the period of the competition and for 3 (three) years after its completion, in accordance with article 152.1. OF THE CIVIL CODE. The pageant participant shall grant the organizer the right to publish and further use of its image by the contest organizer for commercial and advertising purposes (including advertising campaign of the pageant), at the discretion of the contest organizer.
5.6. The participant shall free of charge alienate to the organizer the exclusive right of the author to the photos and videos sent for participation in the pageant in full, as well as photographs/videos taken during the pageant, including, but not limited to, the following ways of using this exclusive right: reproduction, distribution by selling or other alienation of its original or copies, public display, import and export of the original or copies for distribution, rental of the original or copy, public performance, broadcast, cable message, processing, bringing to the public. Exclusive rights to photographs/videos are alienated to the organizer without restrictions on use, on the territory of the whole world, for the entire period of its existence. After the acquisition of the exclusive right to photographs/videos, the Organizer has the right, at its sole discretion, to transfer the rights to use them under license or alienate the exclusive right to them to the third parties.
5.7. Competition organizer is not responsible for copying and distribution of photos/ videos from the website of the competition by the third parties. Competition organizer shall not be liable for any damage suffered by the participant as a result of participation in the pageant. The organizer of the pageant is not able to exclude access of the third parties (any other Internet users) to the photographs and videos posted on the website of the pageant and to prevent any undesirable actions for the participant on the part of these persons in respect of photographs/ videos (copying, downloading, subsequent modification of images for personal purposes), in connection with which the participant assumes all responsibility associated with this.
Pageant participants grants their permission to the organizer for using photographs and video materials anonymously, i.e. without specifying the name (pseudonym) of the author, as well as the name of the legal entity, emblem, trademarks, commercial designation, domain name of the participant's website.
5.8. Granting permission for using personal data.
The contestant agrees that filling in all fields of the contest form, registering on the website and downloading the application form for participation in the contest, she provides the organizer with the following personal data:
5.8.1. surname, name, patronymic;
5.8.2. date of birth;
5.8.3. sex;
5.8.4. place of birth;
5.8.5. residence:
5.8.6. contact phone number;
5.8.7. email address;
5.8.8. education and educational institution;
5.8.9. profession and place of work, lenght of service
5.8.10. biometric personal data: height, breast size, waist, hips, clothing size, shoes, hair color, eye color;
5.8.11. information about personal qualities, hobbies, creative abilities;
5.8.12. photographs;
5.8.13. videos.
5.9. Taking part in the pageant, the participant acting by her will and in her interest, grants her permission to the organizer to process her personal data. The participant provides access to an unlimited number of persons, that is, makes public their personal data that are provided to the organizer of the competition, except for the address of residence, phone and e-mail.

The participant confirms that processing of personal data can be made by the organizer of competition without permission of the participant according to points 5, 7 and 10 of part 1 of article 6 of the Federal law of 27.07.2006 N 152-FZ "About personal data". However, the participant confirms that by completing the questionnaire in accordance with paragraph 4.1 of these rules, it thereby grants her permission to the competition organizer for processing of its personal data (including biometric personal data) in accordance with the Federal Law of 27.07.2006. № 152-FZ "On personal data", with or without the use of automation equipment for the purpose of information accounting in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. By participating in the pageant, the participant grants her permission to receive news and other information messages from the organizer, including SMS and e-mail newsletters, as well as to the processing of her personal data for the purposes of the contest and grants the organizer the right to carry out the following actions (operations) with her personal data: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), use, distribution (including transfer), depersonalization, blocking, destruction. The participant confirms this consent is given voluntarily and is valid indefinitely. The participant also undertakes to provide the organizer with the specified consent in writing on paper with the original handwritten signature of the participant due to the receipt of the relevant requirements of the competition organizer, within one calendar day after receipt of the relevant requirements from the competition organizer.

This permission is valid for 3 years from the date of confirmation of the participant's consent to the processing of their personal data in accordance with this paragraph.
5.10. Participant of the pageant is obliged to inform the competition organizer about the change of her personal data (phone number, e-mail and address of residence) during the pageant, as well as within 3 years after its completion.
5.11. During the competition in order to attract attention to the competition and the activities of the organizer, the participant must carry out the following activities in social networks:
• Have a subscription to the following pageant groups and organizer groups in social networks (Vkontakte, YouTube):; channel/ UC3ViB5FpEBpAeSmwOdGbhig.
• During the competition, it is necessary to show an active position of the subscriber of the above groups in social networks: to put likes, once a fortnight to repost content you like.
• At the request of the organizer to post photographs and video reviews with products from the range of the organizer to mark this content with the hashtag #Komus.
• Provide the organizer with photography and video content for its further placement in the above groups in social networks.
5.12. The participant, at the invitation of the organizer, may participate in charitable, social, cultural, social, advertising and other events held by the organizer during the pageant and within 3 (three) years after its completion.

Article 6. The order of the pageant
6.1. The competition is held in three stages:
6.2. 1st stages - Pre-selection,
6.3. 2nd stages - Online voting (qualifying round),
6.4. 3rd stages - Final.

Article 7. Preliminary selection
7.1. Pre-selection of contestants is carried out by the Organizing Committee of the pageant within the casting and in absentia (on the basis of photographs and personal data provided by the contestants).
7.2. Organizing Committee has the right to request additional information about the contestant (including a copy of the passport, a copy of the order for employment), as well as to verify the validity of any information provided by the contestant.
7.3. Preliminary selection of contestants will be held monthly until 26.08.2025
7.4. Chairman of the Organizing Committee has the right to vote in determining the candidates for the next stage of Internet voting.
7.5. The contestant that doesn't pass the pre-selection won’t be notified about the preliminary selection.
7.6. Contestants who have passed the preliminary selection are allowed to participate in the online voting. Contestants who do not submit data (photography and video material) within the deadlines set by the organizers are not allowed to participate in online voting.
7.7. If the contestant is allowed to participate in the second stage of the competition her photographs and personal data are posted on the website, as well as in other media by the decision of the Organizing Committee. Organizing Committee selects the materials to be placed at its discretion. The e-mail address and telephone number of the contestant are used by the organizer of the competition only for contact with the contestant and won’t be placed in social media.

Article 8. Online voting (qualifying round)
8.1. To participation in the online voting are allowed contestants who have passed the preliminary selection.
8.2. In the second stage of the pageant, the selection of participants is carried out by online voting, which will be held on the website
8.3. On site in the section "Participants" will be placed photographs of participants of the second stage of the pageant and their personal data. On the basis of this information, each visitor will be able to make their choice.
8.4. According to the results of the Internet voting, a rating of participants will be compiled.
8.5. Online voting will be held according to the following rules:
8.5.1. Voting will take place in the autumn of 2025, the Timing of Internet voting will be determined after the completion of the first stage of the pageant.
8.5.2. Every visitor of the website entitled to participate in the online voting
8.5.3. The voter has the right to choose three contestants. To vote any participants, you should press the button placed on the competition website : "Vote", then "Confirm your choice".
8.5.4. Organizing Committee reserves the right not to notify the participants of voting who are using prohibited methods about their suspension from voting. Points scored in violation of the voting rules will be canceled.
8.5.5. Voting from any IP-address can be carried out no more than 1 (one) time per day;
8.5.6. Anonymous voting from networks that issue random IP-addresses (most of the ADSL providers), the Organizing Committee of the pageant has the right not to take into account when summing up;
8.5.7. Recruited contestants points are passed periodical, multiple moderation;
8.6. Organizing Committee reserves the right to warn and/or remove the contestant from participation in the online voting in cases:
8.6.1. attempts to artificially increase the number of points( voting using software and technology, the creation of fictitious mailboxes-"ephemeral", etc.).);
8.6.2. placement or distribution of links to the contestant's profile on dating sites and other sites of the subject 18+;
8.6.3. in other cases of gross violations not provided for by these rules, by the decision of the Organizing Committee.
8.7. In case of establishment of the fact of using at the Internet voting the forbidden methods the decision on an exception or (not exception) of the participant from among contestants is accepted by Oganizing Committee of pageant. At the same time, the Organizing Committee has the right not to consider the participant's references to her innocence or lack of information.
8.8. Results of the online voting will come into force after their approval by the Organizing Committee.
8.9. Contestants with the highest number of votes in the Internet voting will be invited to participate in the final of the pageant.
8.10. According to the results of the qualifying round, the contestants who received the largest number of votes according to the results of Internet voting (the minimum number of votes required for passing to the final will be determined by the Organizing Committee of the pageant according to the results of Internet voting), and the contestants of the second stage (no more than five girls) elected to participate in the final by the organizing Committee of the pageant.
8.11. Contestants who reached the final will be notified about it by the organizer of the competition within 3-5 working days after summing up the results of the online voting by phone or e - mail specified in the questionnaire.
8.12. The winners of the second stage of the pageant have the right to refuse to participate in the final of the competition, in this case, the place of the refused participant goes to the next participant in the number of votes.

Article 9. Final
9.1. Final of the pageant will be held in November-December in Moscow. Information about the date and venue of the final round will be posted on the website, no later than November 2025
9.2. The final round will be attended by the contestants who won the second stage, after the conclusion of the contract with the organizer of the competition, in which the rights and obligations of the parties will be agreed in connection with the preparation of the contestant for the final, her participation in it, as well as in case of the victory of the stage.
9.3. To participate in the final, each finalist of the competition must arrive in Moscow no later than 10-14 days before the date of the final show and attend special classes on the approved program, where she will be prepared to participate in the final show under the guidance of professional Directors and representatives of the Organizing Committee.
9.4. The Organizing Committee undertakes to pay for the accommodation of the nonresident finalist for the duration of the participant's stay in Moscow during the preparatory period.
9.5. The final round of the pageant will consist of competitive outlets – defile (including defile "office style", "evening gown", "ikon") and intellectual quiz. The judges will evaluate the appearance, charm, grace, ability to reveal the image, plastic movement, fashion show skills, stage culture, aesthetic taste, acting, originality, individuality and intelligence of the finalists.
9.6. Organizing Committee organizes performances of the finalists according to the schedule provided by the Director.

Article 10. Judges
10.1. Organizing Committee will establish the judges, which will include invited guests, as well as competent professionals (politicians, artists, athletes, etc.) to evaluate the competition performances in the final. Representatives of the Organizing Committee may not be members of the Judges.
10.2. Judges will evaluate the performance of the finalists on the stage, by the results of which will be made the final decision.
10.3. All Judges proceedings will be passed to the Organizing Committee.
10.4. Each member of the Judges has the right to vote. The voting of the Judges is carried out electronically by means of tablet devices and is subsequently reflected in the written Protocol of the pageant.
10.5. The Judges has no right to disclose the results of the competition before the official announcement.
10.6. The winner will be determined by the results of all stages of the final (by the sum of points).
10.7. The Judges decision is final and not subject to discussion.

Article 11. Rewarding
11.1. By the the results of pageant the following titles are awarded:
- Miss Office – 2025,
- 1st Vice Miss Office – 2025,
- 2nd Vice Miss Office – 2025.
11.2. At the end of the pageant prizes will be awarded:
11.3. Miss Office – 2025 – 3 000 000 RUB (after tax)*,
11.4. 1st Vice-Miss Office – 2025 - travel abroad at the discretion of the organizer,
11.5. 2nd Vice-Miss Office – 2025- travel at the discretion of the organizer,

* The total cost of the prize of the winner Miss Office – 2025 is 4 613 231 rubles, before taxes by the organizer in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The organizer is recognized as a tax agent and is responsible for compliance with the current tax legislation of the Russian Federation. Cash prize paid to the winner after deduction of the withheld tax to incomes of physical persons the total value of the prize by transfer of money resources on the settlement account in the Bank specified by the winner.
11.6. Organizers of the competition have the right to establish additional nominations and prizes, as well as to grant this right to the partners of the pageant.
11.7. All participants of the final will be awarded diplomas and gifts.
11.8. Payment of the cash equivalent of the value of the prize awarded is not made, except for the main prize.
11.9. Prizes and gifts are non-refundable and non-exchangeable.
11.10. If the winner of the prize/gift is unable to use it for any reason beyond the control of the organizer, the organizer does not conduct additional distribution of prizes and gifts. Unclaimed prizes remain with the organizer.
11.11. Winners of the pageant are obliged to sign and provide all necessary documents related to the receipt of prizes.

Article 12. Grounds for disqualification
12.1. Organizing Committee reserves the right to exclude from the list of contestants who provided false information (or did not provide additional information and documents for their confirmation), who do not perform the schedule of the competition activities, who violate the rules and regulations of the documents regulating the procedure of the competition, discrediting their actions the title of the contestant, failure of the program of preparation for the competition, violation of the terms of the contract, as well as, in case of admission of other violations by the contestant, impeding the proper conduct of the competition.

Article 13. Additional condition
13.1. Organizing Committee reserves the right to make changes to the competition program during the competition. The final version of the holding and filling of the final show and part of the competition program approved in the process of preparation for the competition.
13.2. Organizing Committee has the right to unilaterally amend these rules without written notice to the participants by publishing a new version of these rules on the website
13.3. The organizer of the competition has exclusive rights to photographs, video, film and printed materials produced by his order in the preparation and conduct of the pageant.

*the amount of winnings after tax deduction is 3 000 000 rubles